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A complete description and rubric for this project has been shared with you via a Google Doc in your Google Drives. Make sure you go there today and read about the specifics of the assignment. It is a RESEARCH ASSSIGNMENT which will be presented to the class via a Glog.
Here are some suggested websites for you to use to investigate possible Rome topics.
Make sure you also check out the Rome section of the photo gallery on this site as well. All pictures there are labelled. Just hover your mouse over a picture and you will see its name. You may find a topic here as well. Some of these pictures are not on the topic list, but could make good presentations.
(in no particular order, but the first is a must see!)
"A Tour through Ancient Rome in 320 C.E."!
Ancient Rome Glog Project
Ancient Rome Glog Project
Ancient Rome Glog Project
Suggested Websites to help students select a topic.
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