Latin 6
Latin 6
Latin 6
Icarus (Bastille)
The primary goal of this course is to give the students an introduction to the basics of the Latin language and a perspective into Roman and Greek culture. Pronunciation, sentence structure, and vocabulary will be stressed in the linguistic aspect, and daily life, mythology, and history will be stressed in the cultural aspect of the course. Through translations about Roman and Greek mythology and about a typical Roman family in the first century AD, the students will gain a basic working knowledge of the language. The vocabulary studied will be such that etymology and derivation of English words, prefixes, and suffixes will be made obvious and parallels will frequently be drawn. Latin provides students with an appreciation for ancient societies and shows how they influence many modern societies. Students will be working from three books, "Learning Latin through Mythology", "First Latin: A Language Discovery Program", and "The Cambridge Latin Course: Unit 1", providing activities to serve as an introduction to Latin and providing logical links to the 7th and 8th grade programs.
This course uses audio-visual resources and computer programs to offer a hands-on approach to learning. Through the Fusion web page (as well as this page) students are provided the opportunity to practice and study their Latin by playing student and teacher-created computer games at home or at school. Another web-based study aid for vocabulary can be found at