Mosaic Creation Project
Mosaic Creation Project
Mosaic Creation Project
Students were given the following project after a teacher led discussion about ancient Roman mosaics.
For those who were not present at that discussion, you can learn about Roman mosaics in an article entitled "Roman Mosaics" on the Ancient History Encyclopedia website. Additional sample mosaics can be found at "Mosaics of Ancient Britain" (BBC History) as well as through a Google image search of "ancient Roman Mosaics".
The Assignment:
Use Google Slides to create your own mosaic. To do so, you must first create the grid, then fill in each tile with a color to create your design. Please remember also to select a color for your "grout".
MARCH 2020 8TH GRADE MOSAICS (in the slide show below):
I am so proud of my 8th graders! They were able to complete this assignment on their own during remote instruction! Optime factum, discipuli! (Very well done, students!)
This year, we are having a contest with several different categories for "best" mosaic. Below are the mosaics that have entered the contest.
Ancient Roman Mosaics
THE ENTIRE 2017 COLLECTION (including those not in contest).
To view, click on the left and right arrows within the mosaics.